There is ONE GOD revealed to us as the Father in creation, as the Son Jesus in redemption, and as the Holy Spirit in His grace, and that in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead. Deut 6:4, Isaiah 44:8, I John 5:7, Col 2:9, I Tim 3:16

Faith in God and acknowledgment of His Word is the first step in receiving salvation. Isaiah 43:10-11, Acts 16:31, Heb 11:6

ALL have sinned and are in need of salvation. Rom 3:23, I John 5:7

Confession of our sin and faith in Jesus Christ are necessary for salvation. Through confession unto God we acknowledge our sin and our need for relationship with Jesus our Savior. Psalms 32:5, Prov 28:13, Matt 10:32, Acts 8:37, Rom 10:9, I John 1:9

Repentance is a prerequisite to receiving salvation. Repentance involves a change of mind and a change of direction away from sin and to God. Matt 4:17, Matt 9:12-13, Luke 24:45-47, Acts 2:38, II Pet 3:9

Water Baptism by complete immersion in JESUS' NAME is a necessity for the complete removal of our sins (even our Lord Jesus Christ was obedient unto Baptism, becoming our perfect example). Matt 3:13-16, John 3:5, Acts 2:38; 4:12; 8:14-16; 19:5, Rom 6:3-6, I Cor 6:12, I Pet 3:21

Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, as the Spirit of God gives the utterance, is a necessity. The Holy Spirit (or Holy Ghost) is the character and nature of God that desires to dwell WITHIN mankind. It is His power that enables us to overcome our sinful nature and to take on the nature of God. Isaiah 28:11-12, Joel 2:28-29, Matt 3:11, John 3:5, Acts 1:8; 2:4; 2:38; 8:14-17; 10:44-46; 19:1-6, Rom 8:9-14, Eph 1:13; 5:18

We must maintain a standard of holiness before the Lord. Holiness pertains to the quality of life that God intends for us, as we become vessels separated for His use. Living a Holy life is more than just living morally sound. It means adhering to, and following, the examples that God has demonstrated through His Word so that we can live an abundant life free from sin. Rom 6:19-22; 12:1-2, II Cor 7:1, Ephs 4:24, I Thes 3:13; 4:7, Heb 12:14, I Pet 1:15-16

In praising the Lord God with all that we have and worshipping the Lord in Spirit and in Truth. We also believe in the operating of the "Gifts of The Spirit" as God may impart to members of the Body of Christ. Isaiah 43:7,21, Psalms 50:23; 150:1-6, heb 13:15, John 4:23-24, Philip 3:3, I Chron 16:29, Psalms 95:6, I Cor 12:1-11, Eph 4:11-13

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will return again for His Church, the Body of Christ, which will dwell with him eternally.  To this end, we persuade mankind to become lovers of God and obedient doers of His Word.